About Vision Nationals
Vision Nationals is an evangelical, non-profit organization based in Vishakhapatnam, India. We train nationals and care for orphans and widows throughout Asia.

Our Ministry

From the beginning, Arjuna Chiguluri knew that God had chosen him to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout Asia. He prepared for this task through prayer and study. After completing his Masters of Theology from Talbot Seminary in 1987, he held teaching and administration jobs while allowing the God who saved him to form the vision in his heart and bring together everything necessary to launch the ministry.
The time came in 1992. Vision Nationals was incorporated, and the ministry began as a single church plant. God was gracious and more church plants followed. Vision Nationals began to train and equip nationals to tend the people in their care. In 1996, Master’s College of Theology was founded as the need arose to prepare young people for ministry in a full-time, highly academic environment to reach the educated urban population.
God’s command to care for orphans and widows had weighed heavy on Arjuna’s mind since the beginning. In 1999, God opened the doors and 22 children arrived at a two-bedroom house to start a new life. Master’s Home for Children was born! Out of this ministry grew Master’s School to provide a first-class education for all of the children in Master’s Home.
Around this time our widow’s ministry also began as a way to provide support for widows in rural areas who otherwise would not have access to suitable housing, potable water or food. Most recently, Life Medical Clinics began to provide medical care for those who cannot afford it.
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much” (Lk. 16:10)
Our Lord Jesus Christ has been faithful to transform what began as a single church and a few training seminars into a multi-campus, multi-faceted ministry in the heart of India.
All praise and honor be to Him alone!